Friday, December 6, 2019

A Long Time Coming...

This blog has been a long time coming.  You know how life gets in the way.  There is volleyball practice to deliver them to, homework to be done, dinner to make, life to run, figuring out HOW to run a blog....not to mention a job.  But the time has finally come that I journey on to the next adventure.  If you know me, you know that I love to create anything and EVERYTHING.  If you don't know me yet, you soon will and I look forward to inspiring you along the way.  You can expect a little of EVERYTHING on this blog.  I will share projects, provide instructions, offer a class here and there and even offer to make you customized items....  So Stay tuned!  This is bound to be an amazing and inspiring journey.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How exciting! Congratulations to you on starting on blog. You are one with many talents and will inspire many!
